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America – Cradle For The Second Coming Of The Christ




"Let the Word Have Free Course and be Glorified."

Click here to download to your computer or printOn Tuesday, September 22, 1987, five days after the 200th anniversary of the Constitution, a United States Appellate Court upheld Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson's decision that the perpetual copyright, secured by the Boston hierarchy on all editions of Science and Health, was offensively unconstitutional. (For a copy of Judge Jackson's decision see this author's If Mary Baker Eddy's Manual Were Obeyed, Third edition, Appendix, p. 221.)

The Appellate Court's decision was a stunning victory for the textbook, for Christian Science, for Mary Baker Eddy, and for the United Christian Scientists, chaired by David James Nolan. Mr. Nolan had courageously challenged the imprisonment, via copyright, of the Christian Science textbook. We owe him much for his defense of Mrs. Eddy's textbook, a victory for the United States Constitution.

In this victory we had a dual blessing; coming as it did on the Constitution's 200th birthday, the textbook copyright decision was the ultimate test of the United States Constitution, proving this venerable document viable and vibrant.
In 1787 it took thirty-nine signatures--sixteen delegates did not sign--to bring forth the Constitution that insured "a more perfect union." These thirty-nine signatures provided for the collective freedom of American citizens. A friend points out that "in 1906 it took the one lone signature of Mary Baker Eddy, in the textbook of Christian Science, to provide for the universal individual freedom for all mankind," which is found in that textbook.

What would have happened if the copyright on Science and Health had not been overturned? The Boston hierarchy would have retained, for all time, the exclusive right to publish, to withhold from publication and even to alter, all editions of Science and Health. Students who remember the years when the copyright was in effect will recall that Mrs. Eddy's picture had been removed from the current edition of Science and Health, which could be purchased only through the church; early editions were entirely out of print--and could not legally be reprinted without permission, which was staunchly refused.

Today, thanks to the Appellate Court decision, Science and Health is freely available. The first edition has been reprinted and in the future all editions will be available on the Internet.

Through Mrs. Eddy's writings every individual on earth will become aware that the kingdom of God--of Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love--is within his own consciousness, ensuring ultimate individual freedom, spiritual understanding, and perpetual peace. How fitting that on the Constitution's 200th anniversary the textbook was God's means of testing that time-honored document to prove it sound, and capable of providing a secure platform our textbook can stand on! How grateful Christian Scientists and all Americans should be for this triumphant victory for the textbook--and the Constitution!

The Deeds of Trust Speak for Mrs. Eddy Today

The Court's decision, setting free the Christian Science textbook, has brought us one step closer to having the courts of the land recognize Mrs. Eddy's thirteen Deeds of Trust, which make her Church Manual legally enforceable.

The epitome of Mary Baker Eddy's leadership is summed up in ten of these 13 Deeds. Mrs. Eddy is not here today to speak for herself; the Manual, because it is considered an ecclesiastical document, cannot plead for her in a court of human law. All that is left to defend her are ten current, contemporary, living, vital Deeds of Trust. Fortunately these Deeds of Trust are self-speaking; through them Mrs. Eddy speaks today.

These ten Deeds of Trust each include the provision that Mrs. Eddy gave the designated property to the church authorities with the provision that the Manual's estoppel clauses be obeyed. When these Deeds are brought to a court of law and vindicated, they will make the Church Manual legally enforceable, fulfilling Mrs. Eddy's 1898 prophecy: "The Manual will be regarded as law by law."

These legal instruments speak eloquently of Mary Baker Eddy's capacity to lead her movement until the "final immersion of the human consciousness in the infinite ocean of Love" is accomplished, and the curtain is dropped on material man and mortality.

The Constitution governs the states; and the Manual, with its estoppel clauses, governs the church. When the Manual is obeyed it will bring to view the Church Universal and Triumphant, the structure of Truth and Love, "the kingdom of God within" our consciousness. This will usher in a new era of love and goodwill to all mankind, which Jesus said would be the "Comforter"the second coming of the Christ.

Vindication of Mrs. Eddy's Deeds of Trust Will Usher in a Renaissance

Today the possible solution to the church's problem brightens the horizon. Mrs. Eddy's thirteen Deeds of Trust are being raised from the tomb in which they have lain buried for over three quarters of a century. As touched upon earlier, ten of these Deeds make obedience to the Manual's estoppel clauses mandatory, terminating all centralized material organization and central material Mother Church control. (See this author's If Mary Baker Eddy's Manual Were Obeyed, pp. 205219 for copies of her Deeds of Trust.)
These Deeds speak for Mrs. Eddy today. You and I cannot speak for her. But ten of the thirteen Deeds of Trust can and do speak for her. They show Mrs. Eddy's divine leadership in perceiving the danger looming for the Christian Science movement--the danger which has brought the movement to the brink of extinction--and how she circumvented this inexorable threat when she made obedience to the Manual legally obligatory. Her Deeds of Trust will be upheld by the laws of the land. Her prophecy that "the Manual will be recognized as law by law," will be vindicated. And the Christian Science movement will move into a glorious renaissance.

"America, spiritually understood, will be seen as the outward evidence of man's individual oneness with God [man's oneness with Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love]. America in that sense is not a nation defined by territorial boundaries, but is the spiritual idea of Mind everywhere present. America typifies the yearning of the heart for spiritual reality" (Herbert Eustace, Christian Science, Its "Clear Correct Teaching," p. 364).

The Hour Has Struck

At this hour, as we stand in the valley of decision, let us recall Mrs. Eddy's grave warning that "never was there a more solemn and imperious call than God makes to us all, right here, for fervent devotion and absolute consecration to the greatest and holiest of all causes," namely, the revelation of man's divinity, and the total unreality of evil. She saw the hour had struck. Humanity is today witnessing the fulfillment of Jesus' prophecy to St. John in the Book of Revelation, chapters 13 through 20, where the myriad illusions of mortal discord are uncovered and are being dealt with.

Regarding these illusions and the universal hypnotic suggestions that seem to be in control, Mrs. Eddy writes, "The present apathy as to the tendency of certain active yet unseen mental agencies will finally be shocked into another extreme mortal mood,into human indignation" (S&H 570:4).

Think Of What We Have To Be Grateful For!

St. Paul comforts us with, "We know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose" (Romans 8:28).

How often have experiences that seemed harsh and cruel at the time, eventuated in blessings that defy all human calculation. So it was with America becoming the cradle for the second coming of the Christ. Think of the 102 Pilgrims (over a third of them children) persecuted in their homeland. Crowded into a small boat--106 feet bow to stern. Tossed on the wild and furious Atlantic for sixty-six days. Thanking God for even the meager meals they were able to prepare. Landing in the bitter cold of December. Greeted by a frozen wilderness, uncertainty. Half of them dying of cold and starvation their first winter. But what a blessing God poured out to humanity through their faithfulness!

Think of the experiences of the Revolutionary War, the terrible winter at Valley Forge, the long and arduous work of bringing forth the United States Constitution with its Bill of Rights--these were in a certain way all fraught with blessings infinite for the human race because of what these experiences and deeds led to.

Again, think of Columbus who showed his divine motivation when he told Queen Isabella: "It was the Lord who put it into my mind. I could feel His hand upon me...the fact that the gospel must still be preached to so many lands in such a short time--this is what convinces me."

Columbus showed obedience to Jesus' command, "Love thy neighbor as thyself"his desire was to give not only to those of his own persuasion, but to give to all mankind. He was familiar with the Master's teaching that "all that the Father [Mind] hath is mine," even if it is not visible at the moment. He glimpsed a universal sense of brotherhood. He responded with a desire to give, out of the fullness of the kingdom of God that reigned within his consciousness.

Columbus, the Pilgrims, the writers of the Declaration of Independence, George Washington, the framers of the Constitution, Abraham Lincoln, and other great leaders might not have known it, but since the infinite kingdom of God was within them, the entire Bible was also within their spiritual consciousness. This is true because, as we learn in Christian Science, there is only one Mind, only one universal consciousness, and it is our own individual Mind in which the Bible and Mary Baker Eddy's writings are embodied.

The motive of these great leaders, in their dedication to God, was to be an instrument, a transparency through which God could work out His holy purpose. "He that is within me is greater than he that is in the world" and He is making of the receptive thought an instrument, a transparency, for His purpose. We must have the willingness to be used, knowing that "He ["the kingdom of God within"] performeth that which is given me to do." All action is God's action, Mind's action. "Of mine own self I can do nothing" any more than the image in the mirror can of its own self do anything.

"We glory in tribulations also," wrote St. Paul, "knowing that tribulation worketh patience; and patience, experience, and experience, hope: And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost [the kingdom of God within our consciousness] which is given unto us" (Rom. 5:35).

The Pilgrims, the patriots who fought the Revolutionary War, the Founding Fathers, Abraham Lincoln with his Emancipation Proclamation, all abounded in a steadfast faith in the power of a divine Providence to help them. They knew that "faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen" (Heb. 11:01). Their confidence and fidelity anchored them in living waters, which had great recompense of reward.

Triumphing in truth and keeping the faith individually and collectively, we must overcome conflicting elements. If defeat seems to follow victory, we know that "Truth cannot be lost; if not admitted today in its fullness, the error that shuts it out will occasion such discord in sickness, sin, etc., that future ages will point it out, and restore at length the fair proportions and radical claims of Christian Science" (First edition of Science and Health, p. 456).

With the dawning of the Science of Christianity upon human thought, scientific religion is improving the morals of mankind. It is destroying sin, disease, and death. When divine Love is understood as impartial and universal it will form the coincidence of the human and divine, and bring to light the kingdom of God that is latent within your infinite, individual spiritual consciousness.

Christian Science is "rousing the dormant understanding from material beliefs to the apprehension of spiritual ideas and the demonstration of divine Science" (S&H 583:15). This will continue until Spirit, God, is fully understood in millennial glory, and all humanity becomes aware of "a new heaven and a new earth," where the tabernacle of the Mind that is Love, is with men. Then shall we all know that the kingdom of God is our own Mind, our own consciousness.

AMERICA book sections

Foreword | I | II | III | IV | V | VI | VII | VIII | IX | X | XI | XII | XIII | Conclusion | Bibliography



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